Dino Melaye, a Nigerian politician and former senator, has faced significant criticism following the emergence of a video on the internet that shows numerous parked cars within his living room.
The video displays a collection of cars situated in the living room of the Nigerian politician's home, distinct from the vehicles already present in his external garage at his multimillion naira house.
Numerous Nigerians have flocked to the comment section to express their opinions in response to the showcased cars in the video and the lavish living room of the Nigerian senator.
Here are a few reactions:
@dexmondosas19: "I want to be like Dino, " the car is a part of the furniture in the living room, he enjoys the AC I enjoy it too" see doings naaah, Escobar didn't thought of this."
@Smilinguy22: "I have never seen a rich man that's so insecure personally like Dino cus what is this."
@GuyConsistent: "This is someone who wants to govern Kogi state. The money used in purchasing these expensive cars should have been channeled to more beneficial courses cos they are public funds."
@elovin2: "Everyone treat thereself with the love they think they deserve... Car in heaven owners of football club does what."
@zamani281: "All these cars are just waste of money and vanity upon vanity. They are lots of hungry people in the streets and one man stacks dozen of cars indoors."