4 Girls mercilessly beat a guy after realizing he was dating them at the same time Watch Video

4 Girls mercilessly beat a guy after realizing he was dating them at the same time - Watch Video

In a story that appears to have been lifted from the pages of a riveting play, four women made headlines after banding together to confront a man who had managed to date them all at the same time.

According to the account, these four ladies, who were oblivious to each other's existence in the man's life at the time, eventually discovered the truth and resolved to take matters into their own hands.

The affair took an unexpected turn when the ladies, united by a shared realization, confronted the man who had managed to maintain separate relationships with each of them.

The confrontation escalated into a physical altercation, reflecting the participants' high emotions and feelings of betrayal.

The four girls can be seen in the popular video laying heavy blows on the guy, who appeared helpless as he was utterly overpowered.

Watch the video below.


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