A 20-year-old Nigerian girl has become the latest landlady as she builds a luxury mansion with a swimming pool.
In a video making the rounds online, the proud house owner flaunted her house documents with a huge smile of fulfilment on her face.
Social media users have shared their thoughts about the impressive clip with many inquiring to know the business she was into.
In a TikTok video shared by her sister (@everythinglabam0), the lady even walked around the compound to show her happiness.
Netizens who saw more video proofs rushed to her comment section to celebrate her win. They hoped to have the same achievement.
margaretama216 said: "Congratulations sis atlest you no use your money buy bone straight am happy for you."
Bianca Sweetlife said: "Congratulations dear I tap from ur grace."
user7866673228255 doubted: "Another joke abeg."
Tasha banks said: "Congratulations my dear, e go reach my hand too."
Juliet Obasuyi said: "Congratulations Sister."
ivoryakwari993 said: "Congratulations dear I tap from your blessings."
Jessy wealth said: "Abeg my love pls follow back nd drop update congratulations dear."
@remaoftiktok: "Congratulations dear we are same landlady and landlord it's not easy to build."
@bae_perry:Congratulations 🍾 but ur big sis looks familiar Her name is Ella rite?? She went to great alpha sch ?"
Watch the video below: