A Chinese man who won 219 million yuan ($29.9 million) lottery jackpot is hiding it from his wife and child in order not to make them lazy.
According to the Nanning Evening News, the man who only went by the name Mr. Li went by himself to the lottery office in Nanning, in the southern province of Guangxi, to pick up his prize. Photos of him receiving the award show him donning a bright yellow costume that covered his head.
"I didn't tell my wife and child for fear that they would be too complacent and would not work or work hard in the future," the man told the newspaper last week.
He claimed to have given 5 million yuan to charity and was undecided about what to do with the remaining money. After taxes, he receives approximately 171.6 million yuan.
According to the Nanning Evening News, the winning ticket was purchased by the man in a store in Litang, a 120,000-person town located just east of Nanning, the regional capital. He drove to the larger city the following day to deliver the winning ticket to the lottery's administrative office.
"I only slept in a hotel because I was afraid to go out and lose the lottery ticket," he said.