Man makes his dogs clap and dance before feeding them (video)

Man makes his dogs clap and dance before feeding them (video)

A video on social media, shared by a user, showcasing the actions of a young man towards his two dogs before feeding them.

In the said video, the young man, initially seated on a chair, gestured for his dogs to engage in clapping and dancing for specific reasons known to him.

Man makes his dogs clap and dance before feeding them (video)

The two dogs were seen standing. While one was clapping it's hands and standing on its two legs, the other dog continued to pay close attention by watching and doing nothing.

In other to motivate the other dog to clap it hands, the man provided what appeared to be food to one of the dogs in the video.

While the dog that was clapping attempted to eat the food, the second dog outsmarted it and ran way with it.

However, he made efforts to encourage the other dog, which did not perform as expected, to participate by clapping and dancing.

Man makes his dogs clap and dance before feeding them (video)

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