In a horrifying incident, a young TikTok influencer named Felicia Abena known as Abena Pretty on TikTok has been beheaded by her ex-boyfriend following their breakup.
Abena was said to have shared a video with her fans on TikTok saying that she would never go back to her ex-boyfriend, after which her gruesome murder occurred on Saturday, June 17, 2023, 5 days after she made the post.
According to a report by Ghana Web, Abena Pretty is a 23-year-old Ghanaian model, her ex-boyfriend, Godwin Darko, was not ready to let her go after their breakup. He was determined to find out where she was living after she moved out of his apartment, he carried out an investigation, found out where she moved to, and visited her while pretending to be attending a child dedication in her compound where he had access to her and gruesomely beheaded her in her room.