The renowned chef, Hilda Baci receives accolades from her friends after taking them out for Thanksgiving lunch and clearing the bill of N1.2M.
The chef who made a name for herself after breaking the Guinness World Records for the longest cooking time caused a stir following a gesture to her friends.
A friend of Hilda Baci identified as Kimmy took to social media to share how they celebrated the cook-a-thon Thanksgiving.
She revealed that they ordered food and drinks to their hearts' content and were slammed with a bill of N1.2M after the brunch.
With Hilda by their side, they had nothing to worry and she proved them right by settling the bill.
Reactions trailing Hilda Baci 's lunch with friends
Wade wrote: "Na this babes you wan give 10k ? ð"
Niolastar penned: "i'll never be broke in my life"
Odufua wrote: "Service charge 108k wow"
Annabella âĪïļðđðŊ stated: "1.2ðĐ in ola of Lagos voice I will never be poor ðĐ"
Gigi noted: "2 snail N31000?? Maybe cos I'm not rich yet, so let me keep quiet."
Carson wrote: "27 take away pack ððð omooo money good sha"
Idangangan said: "ðģðģðģI will never be poor"
ighalo71Ose stated: "I will never be broke in my life..Amen"
Sexy Faith glam ð wrote: "I pause to go through the whole list ðģ I will never be poor"
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