Hilda Baci, the renowned Nigerian chef also known as Hilda Effiong Bassey, shared details on how long it took to decide the attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking time.
During an interview with TVC on Thursday, she revealed that five years ago, she had contemplated setting the record, but circumstances weren't favourable at that time.
Hilda Baci continued to postpone it until 2023 when all lights were green and triumphed with over 100 hours setting a new record.
In her words;
"I thought about it five years ago, but then it wasn't the right time.
"I still had to go on a journey of self-discovery as well before I got to this point where I could confidently say, 'oh I am ready to do this. I can afford to pay for it and I have the right team that will come together to make it happen'."
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