A Nigerian dentist in the UK, Oluwatosun Oso, has berated his fellow Nigerians who formed the habit of coming online to lament about their living condition one year after they move to the country.
In a Twitter thread, Oso stressed that most of the Nigerians who move to the UK often forget how hard life was for them back in Nigeria and the benefits they enjoy after moving. He stated that asides from the large sum of money they haven't accumulated since moving, the complaining set of Nigerians fail to remember that they can now eat whatever they like with little money, as they can work and get paid for overtime, unlike in Nigeria where they can go without being paid for overtime.
''You get here and suddenly things that were considered luxury in Nigeria become your daily reality. You get things you couldn't dream of buying in Nigeria, but you're pissed you don't have 20 thousand pounds in your account 12 months after traveling. What happened to patience?''
Read his thread below...