Kano court orders killing of 'noisy' cockerel for disturbing neighbours

Kano court orders killing of 'noisy' cockerel for disturbing neighbours

A Kano State magistrate court has ordered the owner of a noisy cockerel to kill it for disturbing the neighbours in the community.

This order from the court comes after two neighbours filed a complaint with the court against the owner of the 'noisy' cockerel. The neighbours complained about how the cockerel has been disturbing them in the community.

According to the neighbours, the unending crows from the cock disturb their sleep and the peace of the neighbourhood. This complaint made the court order the owner Isyaku Shu'aibu, to slaughter his bird.

One of the complainants, Yusuf Muhammed, of Ja'en quarters of Kano's metropolis told the court that the cockerel's endless crowing was an infringement of his right to a restful sleep.

The defendant, Mr Shu'aibu prayed the court to stay the judgement until Friday, April 7, 2023, as he bought the bird to celebrate Easter with.

The court has however ruled that Shu'aibu, owner of the bird should cage and slaughter it on Friday or face a penalty from the court.


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