A heartbreaking video shows Ozioma, wife of late gospel singer, Sammie Okposo, breaking down in tears after a video of her late husband was shown on the screen.
The burial ceremony of the deceased gospel artist, Sammie Okposo, was held recently and many celebrities graced the sad event.
During the occasion, the wife of the late gospel singer was spotted breaking down in tears after a video of her late husband was shown on the screen.
In the video, the gospel singer appreciated his wife, thanking her for loving him and for staying true to him even when he failed.
Reacting to this, @chy_nelle wrote: "You guys commenting about the lady on purple sitting near Sammie's wife should stop please. Look at her well, she is really hurting. Her kind of hurt is a bad one cos she is holding it in and that's Sammie Okposo's daughter."
@ashabifash wrote: "See the way his daughter is just starring into space. She's hurting."
@israel.adedokun.16 wrote: "Whose that woman, 2nd to the left is she human?"
@illblissgoretti wrote: "Rest in perfect peace . May God keep consoling your loved ones."
Watch the video below: