Man calls out roommate who slept with his girlfriend while he was playing Ps5 in neighbor's room

Man calls out roommate who slept with his girlfriend while he was playing Ps5 in neighbor's room

A young man identified as @diiinof on Twitter has called out his roommate who slept with his girlfriend while he was away.

According to him, his girlfriend had visited unannounced while he was at his neighbor's place playing PS5.

At a point, he needed to get a lighter and he immediately left to his room where he saw the unexpected.

He tweeted:

"My girl (now ex) came over unannounced to my place but i was in my neighbor room smoking & playing PS5.

Incidentally, the gas in our sm@ke lighter got exhausted. i had to hurry down to my room so as to get another lighter alas!! I met my roommate already b@nging this girl."

See the post below:

Man calls out roommate who slept with his girlfriend while he was playing Ps5 in neighbor's room


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