Cubana Chief Priest makes exceptional promise to boy in viral video...

Cubana Chief Priest makes exceptional promise to boy in viral video...

Popular barman, Cubana Chief Priest has pledged to bless the young man he cast a demeaning look with some sum of money.

It would be recalled that some few weeks ago, the socialite has stirred intense backlash online after a video of him giving a boy a demeaning look went viral.

Cubana Chief Priest makes exceptional promise to boy in viral video...

The young boy had tried to take a selfie video with the barman when he cast him the look.

Weeks after the incident, Cubana Chief Priest had a video chat with the young boy and his family.

He pledged to give the young man a sum of five hundred thousand naira (N500k) and also promised to link with and spoil the young man when he storms Lagos.

Watch the video below:


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