Peter and Paul Okoye, better known as P-Square, are a legendary Afrobeats duo. Following their encounter with a fan in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea's capital, on Friday night, P-Square has faced harsh criticism from Nigerians.
During their performance, a young fan reportedly let his emotions get the best of him and stormed the podium. A video from their concert captures the moment the singers 'aggressively' pushed the fan off stage.
The comment section of the video which was shared by the singers an hour ago on Instagram has been thronged with mixed opinions from people who fault their action towards the fan.
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Though many justified P-Square's gesture, a few others posited that the young fan could have been badly injured owing to the force that accompanied the push.
@Jer_Ban wrote: "You shouldn't have pushed him, you could have injured him badly."
@Madeyy: "This is not nice at all. He is only a fan. Why push him so hard off the stage?."