Sometimes, some things are really better left unsaid. And for your babe, these are 15 things she'd rather never talk about.

There are few interesting things women would rather never tell you about. And sometimes, it is better for your relationship if some things are better left unsaid.
In the case of these 15 things, women do not really care whether or not you know about these things, they'll just rather not say so themselves.
And, it has to be said; the knowledge of these little secrets does not put your relationship in any form of danger.
Ok? So let's jump straight into it - 15 truths your babe will never easily admit to you!
1. Her best friend knows more
Her best friend knows more about her than you might ever know. That same best friend probably knows too much about you, too.
Of course, that's because your girl is always telling her about stuff that happens in your relationship.
2. Different sense of timing
When she says, "I'll meet you in 15 minutes," It means she'll be there in like 40 minutes.
But hey, don't we all know this?
3. She's not really mad that you're busy
Even though she may complain that you work too hard, she finds it sexy watching you put in effort into making yourself [and her] better.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't create time for her though.
4. She knows a lot about your exes
She has Googled your ex[es] and knows at least one of their social media handles.
5. She compares
She still thinks about her ex-boyfriends and compares them to you.
Sometimes you come out better. Sometimes not. It's nothing to worry about.
6. Secret porn
She's probably seen more porn than she might ever admit.
7.Body count
She'll never tell you exactly how many men she's slept with.
8. She likes dirty talk
wants you to talk dirty a little. Maybe more than a little some times.
No matter how prudent she appears to others. A part of her needs to know that the thought of her body drives you nuts.
9. Sneaky tests
She tests you more than you know.
She observes, analyzes, and judges every action, word, gesture, email, and facial expression.
10. She checks you out
She checks out your butt. A whole lot.
11. Lowkey requests
She needs constant indications that you want her around. That's why she says "What are you up to this weekend?" instead of outrightly saying she wants to spend time with you that weekend.
12. She has wild thoughts
She fantasized about having sex with you at least a dozen times before it actually happened.
13. She needs assurance
She sometimes starts fights with you because she's feeling ignored.
She just wants your attention in any manner possible. Better a squabble than getting the mute treatment.
14. She likes it when you get the bill
Even if she insists on paying or splitting the bill on your first date, she'll very likely think you're cheap if you let her.
15. The end
If she's going to break up with you, her friends know way before you do.
10. She checks you out
She checks out your butt. A whole lot.
11. Lowkey requests
She needs constant indications that you want her around. That's why she says "What are you up to this weekend?" instead of outrightly saying she wants to spend time with you that weekend.
12. She has wild thoughts
She fantasized about having sex with you at least a dozen times before it actually happened.
13. She needs assurance
She sometimes starts fights with you because she's feeling ignored.
She just wants your attention in any manner possible. Better a squabble than getting the mute treatment.
14. She likes it when you get the bill
Even if she insists on paying or splitting the bill on your first date, she'll very likely think you're cheap if you let her.
15. The end
If she's going to break up with you, her friends know way before you do.