Why it is harder to get over the fear of sex than any other fear

Genophobia or erotophobia, is the fear of sex or sexual intimacy, however it is rarely an isolated fear and can be found under a variety of different phobias making it challenging to cure.

Why it is harder to get over the fear of sex than any other fear

Why it is harder to get over the fear of sex than any other fear

Regardless of attitudes toward sex like sexual orientation, religious and cultural beliefs, genophobia is more than a dislike as it causes intense feelings of panic and anxiety when sexual intimacy is attempted.

Again, it might and can occur with other phobias, making it hard to detect. Such phobias are nosophobia (fear of getting a venereal disease or virus) gymnophobia (fear of nudity, either seeing others or oneself naked or both). Heterophobia (fear of the opposite sex), haphephobia (fear of being touched or touching others), tocophobia (fear of pregnancy or childbirth) and coitophobia (fear of intercourse).

Phobia signs and symptoms

These vary from feelings of helplessness, physical and psychological distress when trigger is not removed. Avoidance of the situation that causes panic, nausea, heart palpitations and sweating.

Getting ahead of the fear

Open communication with a partner or a trusted loved one about the anxiety helps ease most of the worries.

Engaging in other intimate activities like sensual massages, warm baths, among others, and physical exercise to boost body perception.

Using distractions such as thinking about something that turns you on and romantic music is advised.


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