Couple filmed having sex on balcony, video leads to woman's arrest

Couple filmed having sex on balcony, video leads to woman's arrest

A 36-year-old woman who is believed to be part of a couple caught having sex on a balcony has been arrested.

The sex tape, which is around 17-seconds long, shows a woman and a naked man having sex on a balcony in Hong Kong.

One disgruntled online commenter slammed the sex as a "diminishing of morals".

Couple filmed having sex on balcony, video leads to woman's arrest

Police say they discovered the clip after it was circulated on the internet and have classified the case as a public decency act.

The woman was arrested in Sau Mau Ping on Tuesday, June 7.

The suspect has now been released on bail as the investigation continues and must report back to the police in early July.


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