Thieves fall asleep moments after stealing from old woman's house (Video)

Two thieves met their waterloo as they fall asleep during a night operation at an elderly woman's house in South Africa.

According to reports, the unfortunate thieves were caught sleeping outside the old woman's house in Hamanskraal, Pretoria, South Africa, just after they robbed her apartment.

Thieves fall asleep moments after stealing from old woman's house (Video)

Videos and photos making the rounds show the thieves sleeping soundly while the granny and neighbour's gathered.

Words from netizsns reveal that most homes in South Africa are specially fortified with charms known as muthi, and it's what the old woman used to protect her house.

Thieves fall asleep moments after stealing from old woman's house (Video)

@Marke Jay wrote: "I know of this charm. It's peculiar to South Africa."

A South African Twitter user wrote: "This muthi is called "Nyangomba" in my culture, even when doors are open the thieves can't find way to go out, until they fall asleep.

"This muthi can make a thug to unmove when gets inside your yard."

Thieves fall asleep moments after stealing from old woman's house (Video)

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