A heartbroken lady has narrated how she found out that she is not the biological daughter of her father.

Sharing her sad experience in life, she narrated,
"Three weeks ago, my grandmother from mother's side who is very old, got into a serious fight with me and during the argument, she referred to me as a basta.rd and someone picked from gutter.
I was a bit speechless. I tried to weigh it down and relate it to her sickness but something in me kept telling me to investigate.
I have been living with my parents since I was born and I never had the thoughts that I was not really part of my own family.
She kept saying this whenever we fight and at a point, I took the case to my mother and my mother asked me to keep quiet. She said I know my grandmother is sick.
It kept repeating itself till I couldn't take it anymore. I waited till everyone was home and in the presence of everybody, I raised up the topic and pretended like I already know the truth.
While I was talking, my mother's hands began to shake and I confirmed my suspicion. Yes, I was my mother's daughter but not my father's daughter.
Just then, my father looked at me with tears in his eyes and then he said what I never expected to hear from him in my lifetime...... This man had the mind to look me in the face and say "no wonder you are a dumb ass while your father is a smart man. You fail all your courses in school".
I was speechless and burst into tears. He was so mad and he asked me to choose between leaving his house or watching him relocate forever.
This is someone I lived with all my life. I do not know what to do at this moment cause I cannot imagine living with my mother who deceived me all my life"