Nigerian lady narrates what her boyfriend did after she told him that she was having period cramps at work

Nigerian lady narrates what her boyfriend did after she told him that she was having period cramps at work

A Nigerian lady has narrated what her boyfriend did after she told him that she was having period cramps at work.

According to the lady, she came back home as her boyfriend was leaving her apartment and felt he came to drop off something.

Gail Chukwu said she got into her house to see that it had been cleaned up, and her sheets changed. She also met dinner on her bed with her curtains opened to let fresh air in. She added that she saw that her flask had been filled with hot water and carefully placed on the bed.

She concluded by saying that the "kindness and thoughtfulness finished her". The Facebook user wrote;

One thoughtful thing my boyfriend did that made me cry.

I mentioned while at work that I was dealing with cramps. Bad cramps. He was at his.

There was no way he could have come to mine that evening, he was busy, so I really just wanted "sorry babe. Rest you hear".

But I came home just in time to catch him running out of my apartment and back to his. I thought he came to drop something, but he didn't. I kissed him goodbye at the gate.

When I got into my house, it had been cleaned sparkling( I am useless to myself and everyone else when I'm on my period)

There was dinner in bedroom, on my bed. My sheets had been changed, the curtain opened to let air in for me. Clean house wears laid out on the bed for me.

I started crying when I saw that he had filled my hot water rubber bottle with hot water and carefully placed it on the bed.

I cried fam. I cried. I really cried. The kindness and thoughtfulness finished me. It finished me y'all.



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