Tobi Bakre shares pictures of self and pregnant wife

The year 2021 has certainly blessed a lot of celebrities with babies and Tobi Bakre and his lovely wife, Anu, are not left out.
Tobi Bakre has taken to Instagram to share heart warming pictures of himself and his pregnant wife.

Tobi Bakre shares pictures of self and pregnant wife

The reality star has listed his wife as one of his numerous accomplishments for the year 2022.

Tobi showcased himself and his heavily pregnant wife, Anu, on Instagram.

He wrote:

"My major highlight this year. Her smiles. Seasons greetings from me and mine"

Tobi Bakre shares pictures of self and pregnant wife

The couple had tied the knot in August, they also announced that they were expecting their first child.

Tobi, who is an actor, host and photographer, is known for his superb performance and for finishing well in the Big Brother Naija reality TV show in 2018.


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