Wedding reportedly called off after bride's family insisted groom's house doesn't suit their daughter's status

A lady identified on Facebook as Maryam Shetty has narrated how a wedding was called off after the family of the prospective bride insisted that the groom's house doesn't suit their daughter's standard.

Wedding Bride Groom House

The netizen while bewailing the undue intervention of parents in their children's love life and the worth placed on material things shared the story which seemed to have an unfavourable ending.

She wrote:

"We are truly facing an epidemic especially in Northern Nigeria, often perpetuated by parents; classism.

Recently, a wedding was called off based on the fact that the bride's family felt the house she was going to stay in doesn't fit her status and class. This was a decent new terrace house? They said they wouldn't want their daughter to go suffer as she grew up in wealth!!!

The said husband to be is a decent, well educated person with a good job and also from an upper class family too; his parents said that's all they could afford to house her as the house was gifted to him by his father.

The bride's parents even offered to get a better house that suited her status. However, the husband and his parents stood firm.

Consequently, wedding was called off. She went ahead to marry some socialite who practically does nothing. She basically missed out on a great person.

Sadly, there are too many of such stories.Weddings are cancelled due to some trivialities and misplaced priorities.

Ironically, most of these parents had humble beginnings devoid of the luxuries they place so much importance on. They never allow their kids to navigate life on their own.

Weddings and marriages have become like some competition. It's mostly a lavish display of wealth, power, materialism, outshining of others etc; it's truly no wonder marriages last a second."

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