Nollywood actor, Alex Ekubo, has posted on his social media for the first time since his fiancee, Fancy Acholonu ended their engagement and called off their wedding.
Ekubo, however, did not respond to her decision or give his side of the story.
Instead, he shared with his teeming fans his latest achievement.
The actor: "I have a story. Introducing, Dr Alexx Ekubo. Thanks to the governing council of the Institut Supérieur de Communication et de Geston (ISCG UNIVERSITY) for conferring on me Doctorate (Honorary) Degree in Arts & Culture."
Ekubo's wedding with Fancy was to hold November 27, 2021.
However, on Thursday evening, Fancy took to her Instagram page to put an end to the speculation as she confirmed that her relationship with the actor has crashed.
According to her, she decided to break up the relationship because it is essential for both parties to find happiness and live in their truth.