Veteran Nollywood actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo has issued out an awareness note for men amid the intense display of riches and affluence that is currently taking place at the South Eastern State of Nigeria, Anambra State following the burial ceremony of the mother of the billionaire, Obi Cubana, Mrs. Ezinne Uche Iyiegbu scheduled to take place tomorrow, 16th July 2021.
Obi Cubana mother burial Kanayo men In an earlier report, it was revealed that the celebrity barman, Cubana Chiefpreist gave Obi Cubana a trailer load of cows, 46 precisely which served as his contribution to the burial proceedings.
Currently, a total of 246 cows are said to have arrived at Oba, for the burial ceremony, which has caused Kanayo to advise men to watch out for their girls.
He wrote:
"If your girlfriend told you she is going for a weekend, watch the videos, she will definitely be at Oba, Anambra State. To attend Obi Iyiegbu's mother's burial rites? I know know ooooooo. Or somewhere else for Conjugal affairs? You will never hear it from me"
Watch the video below:
Check out a video on the display of affluence going on in Oba, Anambra: