"She said yes yesterday but demanding 60k today" - Man in a new relationship laments

'She said yes yesterday but demanding 60k today' - Man in a new relationship laments

A man has taken to a popular Nigerian forum, Nairaland, to lament after a lady who recently said yes to him is already billing him.

The man revealed the lady is demanding 60k from him, and it is not that he is not ready to give her, but he doesn't want a relationship built on money.

He wrote, "No woman, no cry. A girl that barely said yes to me yesterday is demanding 60k from me for wardrobe allowance.

Giving her the money is not the issue. but i fear a relationship built on such ground will collapse in no time.

What happens when hair and feeding allowances enters? i sometime wonder if having a girlfriend is worth it because almost all of them have multiple boyfriends whom they cash out from. i see no difference between them and olosho. petronizing olosho gives much rest of mind than a girl who is yet to be your wife.

Nairalanders, how do you people cope with girlfriends palava in this present state of Nigeria?"

'She said yes yesterday but demanding 60k today' - Man in a new relationship laments


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