Woman drags Nigerian hospital for killing her twins, says poor neonatal care caused their death

Woman drags Nigerian hospital for killing her twins, says poor neonatal care caused their death

With a heavy heart, a woman identified on Twitter by her handle as @RebelleKush has dragged a certain Nigerian hospital which she claims caused the death of her twins.

Woman drags Nigerian hospital for killing her twins says poor neonatal care caused their death

Narrating her story, the lady recounted how she became a mother on the 4th of July, 2021, only to lost them the following day because the Nigerian hospital they visited lacked good and adequate neonatal care services.

In a series of tweets, she poured out her sorrow;

"It's weird how we became parents on July 4th 2021 and then unbecame parents a day after. My twins boys Morayo and Moroti Kushimo have gone to be with the Lord. At 24 weeks, what was I expecting right? A miracle of sorts.

My water broke at week 21 but I pushed till week 24, so I could at least give them a fighting chance. I was hospitalized for 3 weeks on complete bed rest. Subjected to calling for help to eat, to poop, to bath. I had to wear compression socks for those weeks.

I was prodded every 72 hrs for blood tests, just to make sure I wasn't getting an infection that could ruin my life whilst fighting for my babies lives. I fought so hard! The battle wasn't just physical, it was mental, emotional, psychological and everyhow but I was willing

If it meant my babies would get a chance to live. See, these were expensive babies. They were IVF conceived and everything was planned to the T. I would birth them in the Uk but I visited Nigeria and things changed in seconds. Nigeria killed my babies..."

Read the full story below:

Woman drags Nigerian hospital for killing her twins, says poor neonatal care caused their death

Woman drags Nigerian hospital for killing her twins, says poor neonatal care caused their death

Woman drags Nigerian hospital for killing her twins, says poor neonatal care caused their death


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