My children have been locked inside for 23 years - Mother shares heartbreaking story (Video)

A mother has shared heartbreaking story of how she's gradually becoming disabled due to the fact that she has been lifting her kids for 23 years.

According to the story shared by AFRIMAX, she said;

"I have been waiting for years to hear them talk to me or call me mom for 23 years but all in vain.

They were born normal. They were promising children but when time came for walking, they never walked and when time came for speaking, they couldn't speak.

I'm a teacher and when I leave for school, I get back home early so I can take care of my children cause the teachers understand my condition.

Sometimes when I return, I meet them on the floor because they fell down and couldn't stand up. My back is no longer strong. My back is broken and I am becoming disabled myself because I have been lifting them up for 23 years"

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