"E dey pepper una? Una no fit buy me" - Lady who was dragged for rejecting N150,000 to go on a date, fires back (Video)

'E dey pepper una? Una no fit buy me' - Lady who was dragged for rejecting N150,000 to go on a date, fires back (Video)

A lady who was recently dragged online for allegedly rejecting N150,000 which a man gave her to go on a date with him, has fired back at her trolls.

In a recent video which she shared, she blasted those trolling her, saying she knows her worth and she cannot be bought.

In her words;

"You all are dragging me on Twitter because I rejected N150k someone gave to me to go on a date with him. Well to burst your bubble I really rejected that money I really did because I'm priceless. You cannot buy me I'm not a commodity. I have value for myself and that's what many of you will not understand okay?

And to burst your bubble yesterday somebody gave me 200k I rejected as a compensation for the dragging online. I rejected una no fit buy me. Not because I too get but because I know my worth. I'm worth more than anything, more than material things okay? E dey pepper una? E never start".


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