The Director General of the National Youth Service Corps, General Shuaibu Ibrahim, has permitted all corps members to travel to their homes in light of the pandemic Covid-19 that's had the country on mild lockdown.
The decision, according to the Gen. Shuaibu, is coming on the heels of the closure of all schools in the country due to the outbreak of Coronavirus in the country.
In a memo to all Area Coordinators signed by Sanusi A.R on behalf of the NYSC DG, he stated that corps members willing to travel to their various homes should be allowed to go.
I am directed to request all state coordinators to grant permission to corps members willing to travel, especially those in the teaching or allied professions.
For the period it will last, corps members should be advised to adopt all preventive tips provided by the federal health authorities including high level of hygiene and refrain from any unwholesome act that may put them at risk" the DG said
He ordered all coordinators to inform corps members about the decision and ensure compliance.