Every year the internet sees a new viral trend come to life that brings people together to partake in the joyful "challenges".
Over the years we've seen trends that include staying still, laying down, crazy dances, and pouring freezing cold water over yourself sweep the internet and we are expecting nothing less this year.
With that said, we are starting this year with the #SocialChallenge. Asides the fact that it is really fun, it is also super easy to carry out, and that explains why it is fast going viral in a short time.
Let's be honest, not all of us can readily share the photos we post on our Instagram on with our Facebook family . The #SocialChallenge simply requires participants to merge four different looks of themselves, showing the difference in the ways we potray ourselves on Facebook, Instagram, LinkdIn and Tinder.
We've compiled a list of some celebrities that have joined the challenge. Check them out below: