Liverpool legend divorces wife, engages stunning beauty who is 22 years younger than him (photos)

Liverpool legend divorces wife, engages stunning beauty who is 22 years younger than him (photos)

After more than five years of dating, 57-year-old Liverpool legend Ian Rush has finally engaged Irish singer and model Carol Anthony, who is 22 years younger than him.

In 2012, Ian Rush split with long-term partner Tracy after 25 years of marriage before finding love in Carol Anthony a year later.

Carol, 35, grew up watching Rush as she is a lifelong supporter of Premier League side Liverpool.

Liverpool legend divorces wife, engages stunning beauty who is 22 years younger than him (photos)

"We've been speaking about it for a long time. We don't feel any different as we always knew we would be together for the long haul.

"When we travel together, Ian always introduces me as his wife. Two weeks ago, I corrected him and said, 'Ian, I'm not your wife.'

"He said: 'Yes, but I want you to be. That is, if you want to be?'' Carol Anthony is said to have told Irish Independent.

Meanwhile, Liverpool are currently topping the Premier League standings with 82 points after 33 games played this season.


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