Shatta Wale who few days ago accused Ghanaian video directors of copying their Nigerian colleagues, has threatened to beat any director that disagrees with him. Recall that we reported that the Ghanaian singer disclosed that Nigerians are far gone and Ghanaians should try to portray their culture a bit.
Shatta Wale who in his tweet told Ghana music video directors to stop copying Nigeria videos, wrote;
Ghana music video directors should stop copying naija videos and be creative cuz Nigerians are far gone ,so let's try and portray our culture small's about being creative ..we are too lazy in creating ..Let's be serious aaahhh ba !!!
However following the backlash he faced, Shatta Wale threatened to beat any Ghanaian video director who disagrees with him on his tweet about copying Nigerians. He wrote in a new tweet;
if any ghana video director come talk say ade lie and i meet am ,ago beat am ...lets be serious !!! We are disgracing our country too much ...