Controversial OAP, Daddy Freeze has stated that many Nollywood celebrities are prostitutes. He States this after sharing a video in which an American woman advised ladies against demanding money from a man they are just in a dating relationship.
According to the lady, doing such is called prostitution because only a married lady deserves to demand money from a man - her husband - for her care.
Reacting to the video, Daddy Freeze stated that Nollywood celebrities who flaunt expensive bags, wristwatches and a flamboyant lifestyle on Instagram are prostitutes who get that lifestyle funded by sleeping with Rich men.
He wrote:
"Nigerian women need to hear this.
Stop following Instagram and Nollywood 'high maintenance' celeb role models, who sleep with wealthy and influential men for business class trips, G-Wagons, Hermès bags and Rolex watches while giving credit to God for their 'blessings'.
God is NOT a pimp!
Get your own jobs, add value to your lives and stop feeling entitled to wealth you did not create! ~FRZ"