Edafe Okporo who revealed that the actor is a fraudulent, has countered Williams Uchemba's claim in a video he released last night, which debunked allegations of scamming people as a UN Assembly ambassador.
Edafe Okporo who shared a video which countered the claims, stated that he loves Williams Uchemba but fact is fact.
According to the US based Nigerian activist, he has never exchanged any message with the actor as he claimed, and there is no way a verified Instagram account can be used by another person for fraud.
Edafe further stated that Williams Uchemba is now a man, and has to take responsibility for his actions and wrongdoings.
The Nigerian lawyer also wondered how the actor who claims he is a Nigerian youth representative at the Youth Assembly, will not know the UN Youth Envoy (the key youth platform at the UN assembly).
He added that the alleged fraud perpetrated by the actor, is ruining Nigeria's image.
Here is the video below;