In Toke Makinwa's memoirs, Maje Ayida was scathingly portrayed and was said to have given the on-air-personality an STD. She also wrote that the fitness expert was a serial cheat and an adulterer. The legal documents Maje's reps sent to Toke Makinwa described the book as "exaggerated fabrication."
'On Becoming' was published on Sunday, November 27, 2016 by Kachifo Limited. Maje Ayida's lawyers however said the popular book contained "defamatory words."
According to the letter of demand sent to Toke Makinwa, Maje Ayida was said to have "requested legal separation" from her "within 6 months" of their marriage in January 2014 - "when it became clear that the marriage was breaking down".
Here is a live feed from Toke Makinwa and Maje Ayida's court case below;
"I'm seeing Toke Makinwa up close for the first time. Forget makeup and Instagram filters, the babe set for real life. My ovaries. Sugar mummy goals. I have found the one. Alhamdulillah
"Smart Money Arese is also in the building. I need to ask her how to turn the last N2k in my account into N2 million before December 25th. Just look at God.
"Oh oh. It's the defamation proceeding between Maje and Toke / Kachifo on Toke's book, "On Becoming". Trial commences today. This should be fun. I can't wait to hear it all, live and direct. I need to know who Anita is gaan gaan. Stay tuned for live feeds. Jite of Kachifo is also in the building looking radiant and stuff.
"Maje has identified his oath, and his documents have been admitted as evidence without objection. Maje is done with his examination in chief. Time for cross examination! The fun part! By the way, Toke's lawyer is a SAN. Maje also hired a SAN's firm. Power moves. I love this game.
"Maje is suing Toke for N100m but says under cross examination that he doesn't know Toke's financial worth and if she can pay the N100m. Guysssss, so apparently Toke saw my tweets and told one of her lawyers. Her lawyer found me in court and threatened to report me to the Judge for live-tweeting the trial. I told her to go ahead. I know I have a constitutional right to freedom of expression and speech.
"The court is also a public place and everyone is entitled to approach same or be in same. Everyone is also entitled to report correctly what transpires in court. That is all I did. I didn't even tweet in court, but tweeted when I went to use the convenience.
"BUT, I will exercise caution and avoid unnecessary attention IN COURT. The Court Police orderly has spotted us and has asked that no scene be created. So, I will tweet what has happened in this matter after I'm out of here. Again.
"Toke's lawyer sought to tender a letter written by Maje. Maje's lawyer objected on the ground that the letter cant be tendered through Maje. Toke's lawyer replied that, the letter sought to be tendered, is to prove that Maje was a cold-blooded husband. Ghen ghen.
"The next question offed me. Maje was asked how old Toke was when they first met. Maje said 19. He was then asked how he knew. Guess his answer? He said "that was what they told." Lmao. If you understand the underlying tone of this answer ehn... LMAO.
"Oh oh. Trial haff off small. Toke's lawyer and Maje's lawyer are having a go at each other. There's a shouting match. Judge had to rise immediately and has called both lawyers to his chambers.
"Judge and both counsel return to the open court. Calm is restored. Maje is asked about his home and away matches. In the paraphrased words of Toke's lawyer, "you had a live-in lover AND an Abuja comnection?"
"Maje denies having a live-in lover, but admits to womanizing. He actually says he's a womanizer. He mentions 2 women:Hauwa & Aisha. He also admits to impregnating Anita. A lawyer closeby makes a comment,saying "Maje is the ladies man. 6 packs. Nigerian Breweries" Everyone laughs
"Maje is asked of Anita's surname. *drum roll* Guess it? Just guess it?!! Nah, I have to keep that identity intact. Anyway, he says Anita was his ex at the time he impregnated her. Him & Anita visited ze oza room when he had issues with Toke. Lol. Dude was really on form.
"Maje admits that he also travelled to Florida with another of his ex-girlfriend, Erika. Man like Maje. Sweet boy, fresh guy. Na dem dey rush us pump action
"Maje refutes that he infected Toke with STI. He says he has no medical record of having STI. Toke's lawyer then asks if Maje used a condom when her impregnated Anita. Judge bows his head in horror of the vulgar word. Judge suggests counsel uses "contraceptive" instead of "condom"
"Question is rephrased and Maje is asked if he used "rubber" when he impregnated Anita. Maje says of course, not at the time he impregnated her. Lol. This isn't even a matrimonial cause action, yet, it is this juicy and comical. Imagine a divorce proceeding.
"Maje is asked if he had sexual intercourse with Erika, Hauwa, Aisha & if he used rubber. He says he reserves his answer. LMAO. Dude thinks this is America where you'll plead the 5th. Judge says ogbeni answer the question jare; this is 9ja (of course, not in that tone,but you get)
"Maje says sometimes. Maje is then asked if he disclosed to Toke that he had a son with another woman, one Crystal Cullingham (?) when he and Toke started dating. He says he had the son during an on and off period with Toke.
"Maje is then asked if he had told Toke about the son. He answers that, Toke found out about the son on her own. Toke's lawyer then says that's all for Maje under cross-examination. Over 3 hours of grilling! Whew!
"Matter is adjourned for Kachifo's lawyer to cross-examine Maje. Kachifo's lawyer says he will need just 10 minutes with Maje on the adjourned date. Just 10. No long talk. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, everyone.