In a post she shared on her IG page, the mum of one said much is expected of women with little credit is given to them in return.
She wrote;
"Jokers. Lol but y'all dont wanna talk about you NEEDING a woman to step up and take a part of "MALE RESPONSIBILITIES" and participate in hustle EQUALY (if not even more) as men do {cuz nowadays one person making bread can't feed/sustain the whole family most of the time -meaning men partly failed in fulfilling their fundamental duty-sorry*notSorry fact only } or cuz you don't want a babe who "just sits her ass at home and does nothing"(besides cooking,cleaning,raising kids,taking care of the whole home including you and maybe your parents too)yuck unattractive .
You want her to hold you down when times get hard but she must do it with her head down & she can't just have a mind on her own when it comes to making decisions as she must "submit to u and show respect" so someone won't feel a less of a man. But then,still expect her to carry on with ALL THE DOMESTIC & NON DOMESTIC DUTIES the very same way your great grandmother from the village did.
Oh wow! Otherwise we judge- is she really a "wife material" ? Bye! I'm not a bitter lady and I love and respect men (I'm raising one duhh) but don't ever neglect the fact that A LOT is expected from a woman in this 21st century (it's not even realistic) and very little credit is given in return, (just childbirth & pregnancy alone-is it beans?lol) and then ,when we stand for ourselves- "feminists this ,feminists that". We are indeed super humans.
And im so sad when I see a fellow woman who is not aware how important is for us to support each other. And let me tell you straight up- I dont care how much money u make and how independent you are sis, or how strong you are to stand for yourself-you still deserve to be SPOILED and treated like a lady,a Queen that you are by any man who wants to tap into you blessings ,time and space.. Argue with ya whaaaat? ?you already know? All Love ?