She wrote;
My husband and I live in separate homes. I have my own place. And we share one. Keeping my place is the best decision ever.
For those that keep asking, "ArE YaLL SePeRaTeD?" No. We aren't. We live together. We share one home together. I take a few days out of the week to sleep at MY place because we both appreciate the peace and a break. How is this not a simple?
Also, we share a son. So I get a good nights sleep without my son a few times a week and so does he. This works for our work schedule and daily life. It's kinda nice cause it feels like we're still dating sometimes. He's not a cheater, so you can dead that topic. We just living.
I have owned my condo since I was 20. We just got our shared home in July. We work. That's how in this economy. I feel like everyone can do this. Not everyone is cohabiting to survive.