According to the lady, her car got stuck in the gutter under a heavy rain, but her mechanic was far from her destination.
She then puts on her panic light and before she knew it vehicles were stopping to help out and they were all men.
Read her tweet that has gone viral below;.
I don't get why Misandrists/Online feminists hate men. THREAD. It rained Heavily today in Abuja and on my way back from School run, my car fell inside gutter. My two kids were in the car, still raining heavily, the gutter was full and I didn't know what to do. I tried reversing
But the tyre was deep inside the gutter and reversing will just spoil my bumper and car more. No car was stopping.(prolly cos it was raining heavily or maybe they couldn't see me) Picked up my phone, called the Engr and he said he will be there once the rain stops.
While waiting for the Engr inside the car I decided to turn my panic light On to avoid someone hitting me unknowingly and in less than a minute, cars were stopping to help me. About 6cars parked to help lift the car. Under heavy Rain, with dirty gutter water touching
Their legs, shoes and trousers! Wow! Anyway, they flagged down more cars to help them lift the car and not even a single female driver stopped. Now what left me speechless was while all this was going on i was inside the car. I tried coming down and they said I shouldn't bother
Rather I should stay inside and drive either forward or backward when they need me to. Finally they lifted the car and I couldn't stop thanking them. I get we are fighting for equality and to be respected but that's not an excuse to insult, hate and attack men.
Imagine if they didn't stop? Would have stayed there for hours because it's still Raining and My two kids were in the car. Dear men, I love and Appreciate every one of you don't let our fight for equality discourage you from
Helping us when we are in dire need. most of these ladies that attack you guys are bitter misandrist that doesn't know Jack about Feminism.. I'm fighting for a better future for my daughters and not hating on any Men..
The way my fellow women are hating and attacking this post is just WOW! you guys can't let men have 5seconds of appreciation without bashing them? Keep making a bitter world for your sons! Cos definitely, there are misandrists piled up waiting to attack your sons in future