A Dubai-based shoemaker named Jada Dubai unveiled the shoes at the Burj Al Arab hotel.
"Dubai is the city of millionaires and billionaires... we see it as a potential market, along with the entire (Gulf) region," said Hemant Karamchandani, chief executive of Passion Jewellers, which supplied the jewels.
According to the makers, it took over nine months to design and create the pair of shoes.
"Jada Dubai designs only shoes with diamonds. For the launch of our second collection, we wanted to create a piece that is truly unique in the world using very rare diamonds," said Maria Majari, co-founder and creative director of Jada Dubai.
Majari added that "there will be only one pair of The Passion Diamond Shoes in the world.
"We had to prototype many shoes in Italy in order to find the perfect shape, perfect heel, the perfect colour for it.
"Even inside, the logos of both companies are made out gold, which is very thin, so it will be very comfortable for walking".