The singer took to his Instagram page on Monday, August 20, 2018, where he shared two videos holding on to some bundles of dollar bills. He went on to caption the video with praises for E-Money.
"#AZA What a way to start my week ,,,,,, #speachless GOD of heaven may u continue to bless @iam_emoney1 more abundantly and give him longevity. My oga I dobale for ground like this ,,, pls u pipo should join me and thank @iam_emoney1 he also said he's sponsoring my new music video. BOSS abeg allow do frog jump now for my room cuz na the only advice the Naira Equivalent of this money dey advice me to do right now ,,, To you reading this,,, YOURS IS NEXT,,,, SAY A BIG AMEN,,, GOD I GLORIFY YOUR NAME ALONE FOR THIS," he wrote.