The Lagos based pastor, hit out at the popular clergywoman saying judgement is coming on her soon.
The clergywoman has been under fire on social media in recent times after videos of her asking church members to give as much as $1000 as seeds for different reasons, surfaced online.
While preaching in his church recently, Reverend Kasali reacted to Adejumo's videos. He said she was fleecing members of their money and that judgement is coming on her very soon. He said;
"Christians no longer have consciences. Preachers have dead consciencess. I watched the video of a preacher fleecing members, asking for $1000 and I said does this woman have a conscience? You know you are lying.
The bible says speaking lies in hypocrisy and have their consciences seared. She knows what I am talking about. If she has an ear, let her hear, Judgement is coming on her very soon."