Lady finds out her man is cheating after checking the quantity of his sperm. (Whatsapp screenshot)

Another day, another bizarre story or you may call it funny if you like, but from the headline of this post, you sure know what you are about to read (LOL).

Screenshots of a Whatsapp conversation between a man and his girlfriend (now ex) have gone viral on social media after the girl found out he was cheating because the quantity of his sperm had reduced.

The discussion started on a peaceful note as they were both complimenting each other and reflecting on the previous 'mekwe' they recently had before the lady decided to ask the bombshell.

See hilarious screenshots below ;

Lady finds out her man is cheating after checking the quantity of his sperm. (Whatsapp screenshot)

Lady finds out her man is cheating after checking the quantity of his sperm. (Whatsapp screenshot)

Lady finds out her man is cheating after checking the quantity of his sperm. (Whatsapp screenshot)

Lady finds out her man is cheating after checking the quantity of his sperm. (Whatsapp screenshot)


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