Cardi B Claims Abuse of Trust, Exploitation in Counter-Suit Against Former Manager

CREDIT: Jora Frantzis/Atlantic Records
Inset: CREDIT: Jora Frantzis/Atlantic Records

Followers of Klenord "Shaft" Raphael on Instagram may have noticed that, despite an ongoing lawsuit against star rapper Cardi B, the KSR Records founder has been boasting of her chart achievements. That may cease following the latest legal salvo filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

In the counter-suit, filed on July 5 by the artist, Cardi B (real name: Belcalis Almanzar) contends that the original suit by Shaft against her new managers, Kevin "Coach K" Lee and Pierre "Pee" Thomas, "arises out of the deceitful and disloyal conduct of a self-serving and controlling personal manager." She goes on to assert that "trust was abused" during their professional time together. Shaft began managing Cardi B in 2014 while she was still employed as an exotic dancer and orchestrated her joining the cast of VH1's "Love & Hip Hop" reality show.

As Cardi B's star rose, "so too did Shaft's greed," says the suit. "Shaft proved increasingly willing to take advantage of, deceive and exploit Ms. Almanzar, and he had the ability to do so through complete control
over all legal documents and virtually every dollar that Ms. Almanzar earned in the entertainment business."


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