"It looked like he was having a pretty severe anxiety attack. Sam played for maybe five minutes before he had to step out," Bardwell's coach, Scott Eitelgeorge, said. After Samuel attempted to lift weights instead, he collapsed, and Eitelgeorge called 911.
Dr. Beth Keegstra treated Samuel once he arrived at the hospital but decided his pain and anxiety attacks were a laughing matter.
The disturbing video, which Samuel's father, Donald Bardwell, captured, quickly went viral.
The doctor offered some belittling to go along with her treatment.
"I'm sorry sir, you were the least sick of all the people who are here who are dying," Keegstra could be heard saying. Keegstra then instructed the patient to sit up straight.
"You want us to wheel you to your house in a gurney?" Keegstra said in the video.
In response to Samuel visibly displaying his difficulty breathing, Keegstra teased him with, "He can't inhale? Wow. He must be dead! Are you dead, sir?"
Donald confirmed his son suffers from anxiety and has a Klonopin prescription to treat it.
"He was on medication for his anxiety but was off his [medication] for two days because he couldn't get to the pharmacy before it closed," Donald told Mercury News.
Dr. Keegstra was under contract at the hospital, employed through a company called Vituity.
"We are saddened that a patient in our care was affected by this behavior, and are working to ensure this never happens again," Vituity spokeswoman Allison Kundu wrote in an email statement. "We are conducting a thorough investigation into the matter."
For now, Dr. Keegstra's actions have resulted in her suspension.
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