The Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) are under the criminal investigative arm of the Nigerian police force. It was designed as a special unit within the Nigerian Police Force to clamp down aggressively on robberies and related criminal activities in the society.
The campaign to End SARS has been ongoing for the past few months because of their abuse of power...
They target young Nigerians, basically anyone that looks good and drives a car is a target. They have been harassing young men & women for the way they look, the way they dress, for using an expensive phone, driving expensive cars, they have even shot at innocent people and demanded money from people illegally to be released.
For more than four months social media has been buzzing with stories of indiscriminate arrests, and murder by SARS operatives. The hashtag #ENDSARS has a lot of stories to tell, that will leave you in shock and awe.
Although the Nigeria Police Force has created a new hashtag in reaction to the #EndSARS movement which followed series of complaints shared online by Nigerian youths on alleged harassment, assault by the Special Anti-robbery squad, SARS, there has not been much changes.
What's your take on the issue. Should SARS be ended? Yes or No?