Following the leaked conversation in which Professor Richard Akindele was allegedly caught demanding s*x for marks, the student involved has appeared before OAU panel.
Obafemi Awolowo University
Monica Osagie, a former female student of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, has appeared before a panel setup by the school over a leaked audio conversation with Professor Richard Akindele, allegedly demanding for five rounds of s*x to secure marks.
Osagie appeared on Tuesday. The panel is holding at the meeting at the Vice Chancellor (VC)'s lodge, located around the staff quarters of the institution, only two lawyers were allowed entranced into the fenced premises with tall black gate, according to The Tribune.
It was also gathered that officials from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) were prevented from the observing the proceedings which began at 10.00 am, just as journalists were also barred from gaining entry to observe the proceedings.
A white colour Hilux van, belonging to the university security department was parked at the entrance of the gates leading into the VC's lodge with about four plain cloth security officials, led by the Chief Security Officer ( CSO) of the institution.