Update On The Little Girl Whose Hands Were Burnt By Her Brutal Grandmother

Update On The Little Girl Whose Hands Were Burnt By Her Brutal Grandmother

The lass whose hands were badly battered by her own grandmother has been able to undergo surgery to correct the damage - new after surgery photos have emerged online.

It should be recalled that the girl, simply identified as Hope, had her hands burnt by her grandmother who placed them over a gas stove in Edo State - an issue which had caused serious outrage online.

The little girl has however, found some succor - the Edo state Commissioner of Women Affairs and Social Development in company of the Permanent Secretary yesterday paid a visit to Hope in UBTH.

Photos of her below:

Update On The Little Girl Whose Hands Were Burnt By Her Brutal Grandmother

Update On The Little Girl Whose Hands Were Burnt By Her Brutal Grandmother


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