Nurses Fired For Squishing Newborn Baby's Head And Laughing While Doing It

Nurses Fired For Squishing Newborn Baby's Head And Laughing While Doing It

3 nurses have been fired by a cruel act carried out on a newborn.

The women who are staff at a maternity hospital in Taif, Saudi Arabia,filmed themselves laughing while squishing the face of a newborn.

According to reports, upon the video emerging online, they got fired and had their licences revoked.

Abdulhadi Al-Rabie, Taif Health Affairs spokesman, said:

The Health Affairs investigated the source of the video and was able to identify the nurses who appeared in the video and the hospital where the incident took place."The nurses, who have not been named, were immediately suspended after they were tracked down.

Their medical licenses have now been revoked and they are banned from practising nursing in other health departments.

Speaking with Saudi media, the baby's father said he had taken the baby to the hospital for a urinary tract infection and was beyond shocked when he saw the video online.


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