A grieving Debra Parsons, 41, will have her mum, Doreen, as part of her Christmas dinner this year - by scattering her ashes on the turkey then tucking in, Daily Mirror reports.

And for dessert she'll enjoy Christmas Pud... with a dusting of her mum's last remains too. Debra has felt the urge to EAT Doreen's ashes since she died in May and has had a small spoonful most days to feel "as close as possible" to her.

But as she faces Christmas without her, the craving has become even stronger. "It is the only thing that will get me through my first Christmas without mum," said Debra.

Debra's fiancé - not named - has supported her through her grief and they plan to marry next year.
"I am lucky that my loved ones understand what I am doing," said Debra, of Folkestone, Kent.
"And I know my mum would have been happy for me to do whatever I needed to get over no longer having her in my life."

culled from Mirror.co.uk