Daddy Freeze is known for declaring war on Nigerian pastors and vowing to expose their false teachings.
He has gathered a massive following after declaring the age-long tradition of tithing among Christians, illegal by Bible standards.
In a new development, the controversial OAP has spoken out about the Christians who pray for their enemies to die, declaring thatstyle of prayer, unbiblical.
He confessed that he had once prayed for his enemies to die but that it was when he worshipped God in ignorance.
Below is what he had to say in full, as he shared on Instagram:
"Any relative or anyone blocking your way, if they don't repent, they won't see the new year.‬"
This is NOT Christianity! There is NO difference between the above prayer point and the utterances from an 'ayelala' shrine or from a babalawo!
You have been fed so many lies and such malicious heresy from the pulpit, that you have become so repulsed by the truth, such that when confronted with it, you develop a severe allergic reaction.
Suffer not a witch to live, is NOT Christianity, it's taken from the same part of the Bible that admonishes us to kill our stubborn children.
I won't lie, I have prayed for an enemy to die before, but that was when I worshiped God in ignorance of his grace, earned through the resurrection of the first fruit of the grave through whom the law was fulfilled and discarded for its uselessness and unprofitability.
There is so much we were taught in error that we all need to 'unlearn' before we can abide in the fullness of his grace, through Jesus!
Remember what I did to that pastor that drives a black G63 when he cursed me? I blessed him with my forgiveness, hard as it may be. Not only did he curse me, he went ahead to try to get me fired from my place of work, going as far as pulling out the adverts for his mega concert from my station. yet not once did I curse him or wish him death upon him.
Yes, he is indeed someone blocking my way, but will I pray for him to die? NEVER! . ~FRZ